Young Kafka Scholars’ Network

The Young Kafka Scholars’ Network is part of the ‘Kafka's Transformative Communities’ Project funded by the AHRC. The Network aims to encourage and support new, innovative, and collaborative research on Kafka, and is open to anyone working on any aspect of Kafka studies who is at the beginning of their academic career (Postgraduate and ECR).

The proposed format is still open and will be centred around the interests of the participants.

The Young Kafka Scholars’ Network is a world-wide network of early-career scholars working on Kafka. Below you can find the names and bios, as well as descriptions of the diverse research on Kafka, of some of its members.

Letter from Kafka to his youngest sister Ottla.

(c) Bodleian Library, University of Oxford, 2009 - MS. Kafka 49, item 8r